Sahel: fighting the food crisis
Helping to cure 9 out of 10 malnourished children.
We set up a mobile clinic that provides healthcare
Across the Sahel region, over six million children are at risk of malnutrition. In Burkina Faso, in areas affected by armed conflict, health services are overwhelmed, and many have closed. Terre des hommes supported health centres that were still functioning with training and tools, supplied nutritional inputs and provided malnutrition prevention and screening.

Innovation: Combining the management of illnesses and malnutrition
Malnourished children in the Sahel region are more likely to die from infection and illness than well-nourished children. Tdh’s concept is simple but effective: child illnesses and acute malnutrition have to be treated together, and not separately as before. The ALeDIA (Alliance for integrated e-Diagnostic) digital health tool allowed to link the diagnosis and therefore the effective treatment of 75,000 children with malnutrition and other related illnesses.